Which do you think is a cuter name? Owlet or snakelet? Doves and pigeons Like snakes, the term for baby owls simply adds a suffix to the word owl and - voilà! - owlet becomes a cute name for an adorable baby animal. Although the term is pretty straightforward, we think it has a cute ring to it. For example, baby snakes are called snakelets, just like baby pigs are called piglets. Some names for baby animals aren’t as original are others. As pupae, mosquitoes are referred to as tumblers. The wrigglers are typically just below the water’s surface, but when the water is disturbed, these soon-to-be mosquitoes wriggle further under the surface to escape danger. The term wriggler is very appropriate given their behavior. At this stage, the larvae live in the water. In their larval form, mosquitoes are called wrigglers. You probably know that a baby frog is called a tadpole, but did you know another term for a baby frog is polliwog? Tadpoles are great, but we think you’ll agree that polliwog is a much more fun word to say. We think you’ll agree, though, that a lesser-known term for young swans, flappers, is pretty darn cute and seemingly appropriate for a baby bird learning to fly. The most common term for baby swans is cygnets, which is derived from an Old French term meaning little. The majority of the world’s marsupials live in Australia, and the term joey originates from an aboriginal term meaning small animal. Like all marsupials, baby opossums are called joeys.
Because they have little to no fur, their pink skin is evident early in life. Mice and ratsīaby mice and rats are referred to as pups, but they are also sometimes called pinkies, likely a reference to their coloring at birth. Baby woodchucks are actually sometimes referred to as chucklings, and it doesn’t get much cuter than that. Woodchucksīaby woodchucks are called pups or kits, but we think everyone can agree that the cutest name for a baby woodchuck is a chuckling. Baby llamas and alpacas are called crias, and a baby hare is a leveret.Ĭloser to home, we see plenty of baby animals that have names that range from too cute to downright unusual.
In what may be a nod to onomatopoeia, baby partridges are called cheepers. In a more straightforward naming convention, baby goats are called kids. Need more convincing? Baby platypuses (or would you rather call them platypi?) and echidnas are called puggles, although there’s a movement afoot to have baby platypuses called platypups. Case in point: A baby porcupine is called a porcupette. Almost nothing in nature is cuter than a baby animal, but some of the terms used for baby animals are almost as adorable as the babies themselves.